Wednesday, May 9, 2012

E-Readers Vs. Actual Books/Magazines

So I know I haven't written anything in quite a while...but I'm hoping to start this blog back up now that I have finally settled into a job and a condo. Hopefully my life will be a little less hectic in the coming months. Anyways, onto the first topic that comes to mind: E-Readers vs. Actual Books/Magazines. 

Most people I talk to seem hesitant to make the change over from hardcover books to e-readers, yet I see so many people using e-readers on my way to work. I myself was resistant to make the change but I finally made the leap and bought a Kindle Fire earlier this week. And let me tell you, I hate it! However, at the same time it seems to draw me in. In my head, I have come up with numerous reasons why I like actual books better and also numerous reasons why I like e-readers here it goes:

Why I Love E-Readers
  • You can buy books instantly at the touch of a button, without having to leave your house
  • Some e-readers, including the Kindle Fire, enable you to read in the dark, without turning any lights on. This especially comes in handy if you're in the same room as someone that's trying to sleep. Also, if you want to read in bed right before going to sleep, and there's no light switch next to your bed, you don't have to get out of bed to turn the light off. 
  • Books for purchase are usually slightly cheaper than actual books
  • E-Readers usually weigh less than most books 
  • You can bookmark pages without leaving actual bookmarks that look messy (don't ask...I'm OCD, remember?)

Why I Hate E-Readers/Love Actual Books
  • E-Readers can run out of batteries, meaning you always have to keep them charged
  •  You can't use an E-Reader on an airplane until the plane reaches a certain elevation, like most electronics. 
  • Carrying around an E-Reader over an actual book increases your odds of getting robbed
  • Being able to buy books at the touch of a button also has its drawbacks: compulsive buyers may end up spending more money even though the books are generally cheaper
  • E-readers give you instant access to book reviews before purchasing. This can greatly influence your decision making. I used to go into bookstores and choose books by their cover (no lie, ask my friend Christine). Most of the time, I ended up loving the books I chose. However, now...if I see that a book got horrible reviews, I'll think twice before buying it and take hours to decide...maybe missing out on a book I would have loved. Very annoying.

So which one wins out? The verdict is still out...but I hate the fact I'm supporting E-Readers. I want Barnes & Noble to stay in business!! I love that store. 

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